Newsletters distributed at the Warwick Mall Cinemas in Warwick.
PNG versions are presented for preview purposes since PDF versions will not display.
To get PDF version, you will need to click on the Adobe icon and then next on the Adobe "picture" on top.
Edited and Published by Roy Rossi
70 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2020 Album viewed 2597 times
Newsletters distributed at the Casino Cinema in Newport.
PNG versions are presented for preview purposes since PDF versions will not display.
To get PDF version, you will need to click on the Adobe icon and then next on the Adobe "picture" on top.
Edited and Published by Roy Rossi
4 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2020 Album viewed 2457 times
Newsletters distributed at the United Artists Theatre in Groton, CT.
PNG versions are presented for preview purposes since PDF versions will not display.
To get PDF version, you will need to click on the Adobe icon and then next on the Adobe "picture" on top.
Edited and Published by Roy Rossi
2 files, last one added on Aug 03, 2020 Album viewed 2416 times
Pull together of an old and new collection. They were not identical, so they were synced. The old collection was scanned in at a high pixelation level. To fit, each picture was optimized thru Adobe Smart Fix and then downsized to Med to make them reasonable.
61 files, last one added on Dec 20, 2018 Album viewed 2357 times
Beginning of our friendship with the new (2nd) Groton cast. They had us guest perform down in their theatre. Our last show here had been before they formed their first cast.
One of 3 sets of photos. While there was some overlay, there were too many non-synced differences to one common link.
36 files, last one added on Dec 20, 2018 Album viewed 2247 times
Beginning of our friendship with the new (2nd) Groton cast. They had us guest perform down in their theatre. Our last show here had been before they formed their first cast.
One of 3 sets of photos. While there was some overlay, there were too many non-synced differences to one common link.
43 files, last one added on Dec 21, 2018 Album viewed 2212 times
Beginning of our friendship with the new (2nd) Groton cast. They had us guest perform down in their theatre. Our last show here had been before they formed their first cast.
Based on the large scan size, these may have been from negatives. I forget. To fit, each picture was optimized thru Adobe Smart Fix and then downsized to Med to make them reasonable.
One of 3 sets of photos. While there was some overlay, there were too many non-synced differences to one common link.
55 files, last one added on Dec 21, 2018 Album viewed 2175 times
Photo's by Sheilarae Carpentier.
Roy's house in Johnston, RI.
Tandy D, Charley A, Steven M, Lyn R. Roy looking on.
Looking at maps figuring out how to drive to Harvard Square Theatre in Cambridge.
2 files, last one added on Dec 20, 2018 Album viewed 2119 times